How to Join Us...
To join an Institute near you, in person
Contact the Federation Secretary via our contact form (Contact Us) and she will put you in contact with your chosen Institute's Secretary.
The Institute membership fee is decided at the discretion of each individual Institute.
To join an Institute on line, via the SWI website
Simply fill in the form to join up and make payment
Print out your receipt, which contains your membership number
Take it along to your nearest or preferred Institute
Take a tour of a few Institutes if you like and choose the one best for you
Register with your preferred Institute and start to engage with all the activities
Complete our online membership form at The SWI website to join up!
If you are unsure about which Institute is closest to you then you can try the Institute Finder at The SWI main website to help

Before joining, why not first visit an Institute or Institutes near you for a small fee? Again contact the Federation Secretary for more information.

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© 2024. All rights reserved. Scottish Women’s Institutes Dumfriesshire Federation a Registered Scottish Charity Number: SC000759